Cardo Blog

Ultimate Guide to Motorcycle Backpacking: Tips, Gear and Must Sees
Setting a Budget
Backpacking on a motorcycle can be a great way to save money while traveling. You won’t have to spend as much money on gas as you would if you were driving a traditional car. You ...

5 First-Time Dirt Bike Rider Tips You Need to Know
Gear Up
You shouldn’t even think about riding a dirt bike unless you have all the proper safety gear, including a full-face DOT-approved helmet, riding goggles if you are using a half-face helmet,...

Cardo Systems PACKTALK Series – The Perfect Solution for ViuTV’s “Free Riders”
Staying Connected with PACKTALK
The production team started out using a smartphone group App to communicate while riding, but they finally decided that they needed another solution. Working togeth...

Using Motorcycle Communication: 6 Benefits to Consider
With over 4.18 million miles of roadway in the United States, there’s so much to explore on the back of your bike, and we’re excited to help you get out and enjoy the thrill of it all! Here are som...

Quiet Motorcycle Helmet Experience: How to Reduce Wind Noise
As a rule, motorcyclists have to be okay with noise a little more than the average person. But there’s a difference between the satisfying roar of pipes and the annoying whoosh of wind underneath y...

3 Beginner Mountain Biker Tips
Bike Suspension and Configuration
If you’re new to mountain biking, you can’t travel off-road on the same bike you use to commute to work in the city. You’ll need a special mountain bike that is ...

4 Signs That You Need a New Motorcycle Battery
A dead battery may be the result of a few weeks of neglect or leaving the key in the on position for more than a few minutes. Sometimes, it’s an electrical issue and changing or charging the batter...

Cardo Packtalk Bold vs. EDGE: What's the Difference?
Packtalk Bold vs. EDGE: Similarities
Both products are widely used within the motorcycle industry. The Packtalk Bold and EDGE come with many of the same features, including wireless Bluetooth techn...

Which Cardo to Buy? How to Choose a Motorcycle Headset
At Cardo Systems, we’re here to help pair you with the right device so that you get the most out of every single ride you take. All you have to do is answer the following questions and you’ll be gu...

Freecom 4 vs. Freecom 4x
What Is the Freecom 4x?
The Freecom 4x is Cardo’s premier Bluetooth headset for motorcycle riders. Just like its predecessor, it lets you wirelessly connect to your phone and GPS device so you don...

How to Choose the Best Motocross Helmets for You
What Type of Helmet?
Motocross helmets are designed to protect riders from the elements, including rocks, dirt and other debris. Motorcycle helmets are all about speed and crash protection. They c...

How to Tell If Your Motorcycle Helmet Is Too Small
Every motorcycle rider needs a motorcycle helmet, but finding the right size is just as important as the quality of the helmet itself. Riding with a helmet that’s too small can put you at risk of i...

Tips for Choosing the Best Motorcycle for Tall Riders
Lots of motorcycles can leave your legs feeling scrunched. Your knees can get in the way of your arms as you try to steer the bike. You might also have to do more work to support your back, which p...

What to Wear ATV Trail Riding
ATV trail riding means getting down and dirty, exploring the backcountry and indulging your curiosity about where that one weird trail goes.
Trail riding is about taking calculated risks that can g...

5 Motorcycle Comfort Modifications
Riding a motorcycle can be hard on your body. Frequent riders often suffer from pinched nerves and bulging discs that can contribute to neck, back and joint pain. Sitting on the back of a bike for ...

The Ultimate Guide to Attending the Sturgis Bike Rally
The rally is sure to keep you busy regardless of how long you plan on staying. If you plan on attending this year’s rally, you need to bring all your gear to start riding as soon as you arrive, inc...

5 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Dirt Bike Communication System
Riding a dirt bike can be a thrilling experience, but it can also be dangerous, especially when you’re exploring remote or rural areas. Out of all the off-road riders killed in 2019, 66 percent did...

Die beiden sichersten Motorräder für Fahranfänger
Motorradfahren ist nichts für schwache Nerven. Da es keine Sicherheitsgurte gibt und die Sicht eingeschränkt ist, versteht man leicht, warum Motorradfahrer im Vergleich zu Autofahrern ein 10-mal hö...

Cardo Freecom 2+ vs Freecom 4+ Comparison: Which One is Right For You?
When researching the many different types of motorcycle intercoms on the market, you’ll undoubtedly come across the Cardo Freecom 2+ and Freecom 4+, two popular options that we offer. Both are toug...

Motorcycle Road Trip Essentials: The Ultimate Guide
As long-distance riders, we live for winding country roads, steep mountain parkways and picturesque byways that hug the coast. The scenic route was made for us. Carving our way through America or w...

Motorcycle Deer Accidents: 6 Tips on How to Avoid
Hitting a deer with a car is bad enough. Hitting a deer while you are on a motorcycle can be deadly. The best preparation is vigilance. Be aware of your surroundings, especially when you are in a d...

Motovlogging 101: How to Start a Motovlog From Scratch
No motorcycle enthusiast will ever be able to ride every model, tackle every track or road trip through every amazing scenic area. Fortunately, there’s a way for motorcyclists to get close to these...

Bilden Sie ein Rudel: Vernetzen Sie sich unterwegs mit dem neuen „KTM PACKTALK EDGE“
Wir sind stolz darauf, verkünden zu können, dass Cardo und KTM sich zusammengeschlossen haben, um ein Sondermodell des hochwertigen PACKTALK EDGE auf den Markt zu bringen. Das „KTM PACKTALK EDGE“ i...

4 Benefits of Using Motorcycle Helmet Speakers for a Long Ride
1. Help keep you entertained and awake.
Staying alert when you’re on your bike is priority number one, particularly on a long ride. And while the physical nature of a motorcycle ride means that r...

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