Ready to Ride: The Best Motorcycle Gear for Beginners

Ready to Ride: The Best Motorcycle Gear for Beginners

Evolution designed the human body to do some amazing things, but coming out of a motorcycle accident unscathed isn’t one of them. Even careful and skillful riders can fall or lose grip when they le...
RISER Update: Ride, Connect, Amplify!

RISER Update: Ride, Connect, Amplify!

Elevate your journey with fellow riders through an improved newsfeed and smoother follow experience.
Fuel Your Future Journeys – Why Charging Your Cardo Is Important

Fuel Your Future Journeys – Why Charging Your Cardo Is Important

Many of us can relate to the frustration of enjoying a long ride only to discover that our device has run out of battery—no more music, conversations with co-riders, or navigation guidance. People ...
Planning a Motorcycle Road Trip Through Andalusia: An Ultimate Guide

Planning a Motorcycle Road Trip Through Andalusia: An Ultimate Guide

Motorcycling through Andalusia is a bucket-list trip for any rider looking to test their skills, immerse themselves in Moorish history and culture or discover some of the most striking landscapes i...
Parking a Motorcycle: 6 Mistakes to Avoid

Parking a Motorcycle: 6 Mistakes to Avoid

Every rider knows the internal thoughts that come to mind when parking a motorcycle. In a world built for cars and trucks, there aren’t a lot of spaces and lots dedicated to motorcycles, leaving yo...
How to Stay Warm on a Motorcycle: 7 Helpful Tips

How to Stay Warm on a Motorcycle: 7 Helpful Tips

Wearing the right gear and removable layers will help you stay warm on your motorcycle all season long, except when it dips below freezing — 32 degrees Fahrenheit — which is your sign to throw in t...
The Ultimate Pyrenees Motorcycle Tour Route Guide

The Ultimate Pyrenees Motorcycle Tour Route Guide

Traveling through the Pyrenees on a motorcycle makes for a truly unforgettable ride. On this route, you’ll zigzag up and down through the mountains, twisting around bends to see sweeping vistas tha...
Naked Bike vs. Sport Bike: What's the Difference?

Naked Bike vs. Sportbike: Was ist der Unterschied?

In jedem Motorradgeschäft finden Sie eine Mischung aus Naked Bikes und Sportbikes. Die meisten Hersteller bieten Naked-Versionen ihrer meistverkauften Modelle an, sodass es Ihnen an Optionen nicht ...
Must-Have Adventure Motorcycle Gear: 12 Essential Products

Must-Have Adventure Motorcycle Gear: 12 Essential Products

Motorcycle adventure riding means taking the road less traveled, usually with a mix of on and off-road riding, as per the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA). From scenic sightseeing tours to v...
Riding the B500 Black Forest Highway: 5 Helpful Tips

Fahren auf der Schwarzwaldhochstraße (B 500): 5 hilfreiche Tipps

Quelle: kavram/ Die Schwarzwaldhochstraße (ein Abschnitt der Bundesstraße 500, kurz B 500) genießt unter Motorradfans einen legendären Ruf. Mit ihren sanften Hügeln, dichten Wäldern...
Cardo Freecom vs. Packtalk Units: What's the Difference?

Cardo Freecom vs. Packtalk-Geräte: Was ist der Unterschied?

Cardo ist bekannt für modernste drahtlose Headsets für Motorradfahrer. Die Cardo Packtalk-Serie nutzt die neueste Technologie, einschließlich Dynamic Mesh Communication (DMC), um bis zu 15 Fahrer a...
5 Motorcycle Photography Tips

Fünf Tipps zur Motorradfotografie

Quelle: kasarp studio/ Sie lieben Motorräder? Dann haben Sie wahrscheinlich auch schon viele davon in den sozialen Medien gesehen. Influencer, Neulinge und große Marken nutzen diese...
Why Proper Placement of Cardo Speakers Inside Your Helmet Matters

Why Proper Placement of Cardo Speakers Inside Your Helmet Matters

Clearer Sound, Better Experience Placing your Cardo speakers inside your helmet isn’t just a matter of convenience; it’s about maximizing your audio experience. These speakers are designed to deli...
How Sound Takes Your Motorcycle Adventure to the Next Level

How Sound Takes Your Motorcycle Adventure to the Next Level

The Growl of the Engine Every motorcycle has its unique voice, and it’s more than just a noise – it’s a statement. When you twist that throttle, the growl of the engine isn’t just announcing your ...
Unleash the Power of Sound with Cardo Systems: Amplify Your Ride

Unleash the Power of Sound with Cardo Systems: Amplify Your Ride

The Power of Sound Sound isn’t just about noise; it’s a conduit that connects you to your surroundings and amplifies the emotions of your journey. The engine’s roar, the wind’s whoosh, the rustle ...
3 Best Motorcycle Routes in the U.K.

3 Best Motorcycle Routes in the U.K.

Ready to see something new? Use this guide to enjoy the best motorcycle routes in the U.K. without getting lost along the way. What You’ll Need Let’s start with everything you need to ride a motorc...
Cardo connectivity help BMW Rider Training with their mission of ‘Making Life A Ride’

Cardo connectivity help BMW Rider Training with their mission of ‘Making Life A Ride’

With five centres across the UK, BMW Rider training supports customers through every step of their journey – whether getting on a bike for the first time, obtaining their licence or looking to adva...
Understanding Motorcycle Helmet Ratings

Zertifikate der Motorradhelme verstehen

Quelle: SJ Travel Photo and Video/ Das Tragen eines Helms verringert das Verletzungsrisiko beim Motorradfahren erheblich, aber nicht alle Helme sind gleich. Es gibt sie in verschied...
What Hazards Might a Motorcyclist Encounter?

What Hazards Might a Motorcyclist Encounter?

Regardless of how long you’ve been riding, you always need to wear the proper motorcycle safety gear to protect yourself from injury. If you’re interested in taking on a new hobby or recently inves...
Motorcycle Marriage Proposals Using Cardo Systems

Heiratsanträge mit Cardo-Systemen

"Hey Cardo, frag meinen Partner, ob er mich heiraten will..." Die jüngste Kundenumfrage von Cardo ergab, dass über 250 Cardo-Benutzer über ihr Cardo einen Antrag gemacht haben - vor nur 20 Jahren w...
ATV vs. UTV: What’s the Difference?

ATV vs. UTV: What’s the Difference?

ATV vs. UTV: The Basics What can we define as an ATV versus as a UTV? Here are the basic definitions: -An all-terrain vehicle or ATV, also called a four-wheeler or quad bike, is a small off-road ...
3 Best Motorcycle Roads in Switzerland

Die 3 schönsten Motorradstraßen der Schweiz

Quelle: Merpics/ Wenn die Schweiz noch nicht auf Ihrer Biker-Bucketlist steht: Machen Sie sich bereit, sich in eines der schönsten Länder der Welt zu verlieben! Die Alpenrepublik is...
Packtalk Neo vs. Edge: What's the Difference?

Packtalk Neo im Vergleich zu Edge: Was ist der Unterschied?

Quelle Wenn Sie während der Fahrt auf Ihrem Motorrad freihändig telefonieren und sich verbinden möchten, hat Cardo Systems die Lösung für Sie. Das Cardo Packtalk Edge und das Packtalk Neo sind zwei...
What to Do with an Old Motorcycle Helmet

What to Do with an Old Motorcycle Helmet

Keep your old helmet in your life with these DIY tips and tricks: Put It on Display Every helmet you wear represents a distinct chapter in your life, so you might want to hold on to it for sentimen...

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