How to Train for Skiing

How to Train for Skiing

Skiing is excellent exercise, putting the body’s biggest muscles to the test. But expect to do a lot of huffing and puffing on the sidelines if you’re not used to being physically active for hours ...
How to Choose Your Snowboard Stance

How to Choose Your Snowboard Stance

Finding your stance as a snowboarder primarily comes down to trial and error. It all depends on your body type and unique preferences.  Where you place your feet on the board will determine how you...
The Different Types of Skiing: An Ultimate Guide

Les différents types de ski : le guide ultime

Le ski se présente et s’apprécie sous de multiples formes. Vous avez sûrement déjà vu des skieurs dévaler les pentes en effectuant toutes sortes de figures et d'acrobaties. D'autres préfèrent s’élo...
How to Choose Ski Goggles

Comment choisir vos lunettes de ski

Elles sont importantes pour le confort de vue et pour avoir la classe sur les pistes, mais c’est surtout pour skier en toute sécurité qu’il est indispensable de porter des lunettes de ski. Elles vo...
6 Cool Ski Gear Accessories to Use This Year

6 Cool Ski Gear Accessories to Use This Year

More people are using ski tech than ever before. The market for ski equipment is expected to grow at an annual rate of 3.7 percent through 2027, with digital ski tech included as more people realiz...
How Long Do Ski Helmets Last?

How Long Do Ski Helmets Last?

We always recommend wearing a ski or snowboard helmet when you’re racing down the side of a mountain. It reduces your risk of injury by around 60 percent when racing towards any number of snowy obs...
How to Lead Climb: An Ultimate Guide

Escalade en tête : un guide complet

Source: lzf/ Si vous souhaitez explorer des falaises inaccessibles à pied et développer au maximum vos compétences de grimpeur, essayez-vous à l'escalade en tête. L'escalade en tête...
Mountain Bike Geometry Explained

Tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur la géométrie VTT 

Source: Slatan/ Atteindre le sommet de la montagne se résume souvent à de simples calculs. La géométrie du vélo peut jouer en votre faveur ou en votre défaveur, selon votre position...
Mountain Bike Helmet vs. Road Bike Helmet: 3 Differences

Casque de vélo de montagne ou casque de vélo de route : 3 différences 

Source : trek6500/ Vous devez toujours porter un casque lorsque vous faites du vélo, que ce soit sur la route ou en montagne. Les études montrent que les casques réduisent les bless...
What to Wear Downhill Mountain Biking

What to Wear Downhill Mountain Biking

New to downhill biking? Use these downhill biking tips to prepare for your first descent. Now, let’s discuss what to wear downhill mountain biking so you can be equipped and ready for whatever the ...
5 Downhill Mountain Biking Tips

5 Downhill Mountain Biking Tips

New to mountain biking? Start by learning more about the sport with these mountain biking tips for beginners. Read Our Beginner Mountain Biker Tips Here 1. Understand The Basics of Going Down Biki...
5 Helpful Mountain Bike Training Tips

Cinq conseils utiles pour l'entraînement au VTT

Source: MalikNalik/ Le VTT est une discipline passionnante. Il vous suffit de monter en selle pour mettre à votre portée des destinations inaccessibles en voiture et trop lointaines...
The Ultimate Rock Climbing Equipment List

Les incontournables du matériel d’escalade

Source : Duet PandG/ La varappe, c’est-à-dire l’escalade de parois rocheuses en plein air, est un défi perpétuellement renouvelé pour le corps et pour l’esprit. Il s’agit fonda...
How to Train for Rock Climbing

How to Train for Rock Climbing

Learn the Equipment You won’t get very high off the ground unless you know how to use the required equipment. Your training depends on where and how you like to climb. If you’re heading to the gym...
Must-Have Mountain Biking Gear

Les indispensables du matériel de VTT

Source: lzf/ Près de 7,6 millions de Français pratiquent le VTT chaque année. Ce sport relativement peu coûteux offre de nouvelles manières de renouer avec la nature. Sa pratiq...
What to Wear Under a Ski Helmet

What to Wear Under a Ski Helmet

Learn How to Measure and Choose a Ski Helmet Here Do You Need to Wear Anything Under a Ski Helmet? The short answer is no, you don’t have to wear anything under your ski helmet. Most helmets provid...
Do You Need a Helmet to Ski? 3 Benefits to Consider

Do You Need a Helmet to Ski? 3 Benefits to Consider

Deciding whether to wear a helmet largely depends on the risks and where you plan on skiing. You should absolutely wear a helmet when freestyling or doing acrobatic tricks on the pipes to protect y...
What Is Freestyle Skiing?

What Is Freestyle Skiing?

What Is Freestyling? Freestyle skiing is a type of skiing discipline that features aerial stunts and acrobatic maneuvers, usually in mid-air. The goal is to get as much air as possible so that you ...
The Complete List of Backcountry Snowboarding Gear

The Complete List of Backcountry Snowboarding Gear

Overall, you’ll need to learn how to navigate your new surroundings to ensure you get home safely. You can’t just catch the lift when you’re ready to call it quits. It’s important to bring along pl...

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